Casio SF-4300B

Sticky notes, scraps of paper and numbers on the back of your hand. Is this your life? Sort it out with a Casio Digital Diary. It's so easy and convenient you'll soon wonder how you ever organised yourself without one. Don't get the idea they're yuppie toys either. Everyone's got phone numbers, addresses, birthdays, anniversaries, appointments and private information they need to remember. With a Casio Digtal Diary its all so easy, safe and convenent Take the SF-4600B for example. It'll store around 2.900 names and telephone numbers alphabetically, so you can look anyone up in seconds. You can make a note of dates and appointments on it's built-in calendar up to the year 2099 and keep personal informatior private by using your own secret password. It's got a built-in clock, alarm, address file, as well as a calculator and you can even link it to a personal computer. And all for as little as £59.99. There's also the SF-4300B which for just £49.99 will store over 1,360 names and telephone numbers. If you've got a life sort it out with a Casio Digital Diary. Check one out at any of the stores listed below.